Contents tagged with vim

  • Vim surround

    Tags: vim
    Vim surround with If you have Vim surround with plugin installed, you can use a powerful command of surround with to add or remove character around a word. Add surround character ys<motion><character> … Read more...
  • Jump to a bookmark with Vim

    Tags: vim
    In Vim, you can make a bookmark and assign a character to reference the bookmark. Then you can jump to that bookmark. You can use '{character} and `{character} The difference between '{character} and … Read more...
  • Vim Windows xp command to swap a character

    Tags: vim
    I sometimes have wrong typing my friend's name. His name is Phuong but I typed as Phoung. However, Vim has a useful command to help this. With xp the combination of x cut and p = paste. When we use … Read more...
  • Move forward and backward in Vim change list

    Tags: vim
    When you make some changes, Vim records your changes as a change list To see your change list use  :changes You can go backward in a change list by using the command g; For go forward use the … Read more...
  • Move forward and backward in Vim jumps list

    Tags: vim
    Vim record your as jump list To see your jump list use :jumps You can go backward in jump list by using command ctl+0 For go forward you this command ctrl+i You can repeat it to continue go … Read more...
  • Use PowerShell profile to set something for you when launching a new PowerShell session

    In PowerShell, you can crate a profile to set something (e.g. setting, variable) for you when launching a new PowerShell session Get started Launch PowerShell with Adminitrator permission Enter the … Read more...
  • Go back to last insert mode stopped and switch to insert mode

    Tags: vim
    This tip is very helpful when you change something and want to add something after the last change you've just made. Vim has gi which can help you go back to the last insert mode stopped or last … Read more...
  • Jump to the last change with Vim

    Tags: vim
    Vim has automatic mark the last change for us. Therefore we can jump quickly with this. In this article I will show the two commands. There are pretty similar but if you careful notice you will find … Read more...
  • Back to the last jump with automatic mark in Vim

    Tags: vim
    Vim automatic create auto mark for you. This means whenever you jump in Vim, you can go back to the previous position fast and easily. These are some of automatic mark. '' Jump back to first … Read more...
  • use Vim in Visual Studio Code

    Tags: vimvs-code
    "vim.useSystemClipboard": true, "editor.lineNumbers": "relative"
  • Jump and move in a vim jump list

    Tags: vim
    In Vim, you can move very fast with jump command Jumping with H M L H jump to the top of the screen M jump to the middle of the screen L jump to the bottom of the screen Example commands H M L … Read more...
  • setup Vim for Visual Studio Code

    Tags: vim
    Enable yanking to the system clipboard by default and use paste (P) from the system clipboard "vim.useSystemClipboard": true Read more...
  • move faster with WORD

    Tags: vim
    From my previous article Vim move word wise , we found that we can move cursor in Vim by word. However, in some situation, If we have some punctuation in a sentence e.g. ', ", our movement by word … Read more...
  • Vim move word wise

    Tags: vim
    In Vim, we can move our cursor by word range operation. This is a summary of Vim word wise command w Forward to start of next word b Backward to start of current/previous word e Forward to end of … Read more...
  • Vim to quote a word command

    Tags: vim
    Simple tips to change a word with quote or single quote. There is vim-surround plugin which is very good for this task but I just want to show you how to deal with it without using a plugin. Steps … Read more...
  • Vim delete text with search command

    Tags: vim
    With Vim, you can use combine delete (d) with search command (/search-keyword) to delete text from the current position of cursor to text that you search. In this Gif image shows you how to delete … Read more...
  • delete text inside HTML or XML tag

    Tags: vim
    Your text file may contain HTML or XML like this. <p>Hello World</p> Then, you want to delete or change text inside tag which is p tag for this example. To delete text inside tag, in Vim normal mode, … Read more...
  • How to share clipboard content with Vim IntelliJ

    Tags: vimintellij
    For those who use Vim plugin for IntelliJ-based products such as Intellij IDEA, Android Studio, may find an inconvenient way to copy and paste content from a clipboard to the IDE. We usually use … Read more...
  • save your typing with compound command in Vim

    Tags: vim
    Vim has special command that allow us to save time by typing only one key instead of typing many keys. We can call it as compound command which compounds two or more command into one command. When we … Read more...
  • create new line in Vim

    Tags: vim
    Sometimes you may want to create a new line below or above current line. In Vim, you simply use this command. o for creating a new line **below ** current line and change to insert mode O ( … Read more...
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